weight inclusive consult group for wellness professionals
Pexels photo by Johannes Plenio
weight inclusive, fat positive, health at every size, trauma informed, somatic,
harm reduction, non-shaming
How to have the conversation when…
- My client asks if I can help them lose weight or says that they desperately want to lose weightHow do I bring up…
- The idea of Health at Every Size (HAES). What is it? How do I even introduce this stuff?!
- The impact of diets and diet culture on how we view food and our bodies
- The intersecting systems at workWhat if my client…
- Does not want to hear about HAES at all
- Is extremely attached to their dietI felt triggered when…
- My client talked negatively about their body (and I’m in a bigger body than them or I also struggle with my body)
- I heard other providers/friends/family talking about diets, bodies or making comments about being fatHow do I work on my own…
- Body insecurities as a provider working with people around theirs (pro-tip: you deserve support too)
- Understanding of my beliefs around food and bodies
- Honoring my clients’ body autonomy
- Regulating myself around this topic in and out of session
*Some examples of wellness professionals: therapists, dietitians, coaches, personal trainers, physicians, nurses, medical staff, acupuncturists, yoga instructors, bodyworkers, herbalists, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, etc.
Facilitated by Jamie Earnhardt, LCMHC and Melanie Losacco, SEP
Jamie and Melanie bring with them their personal experience of navigating the world in fat bodies as well as being
professionals in the wellness field working with individuals around body shame, body and fat liberation, disordered
eating, embodiment and trauma
Second Thursday of each month 11:30-1pm EST
August 10th
September 14th
October 12th
November 9th
December 14th