With Jamie Earnhardt, LCMHC and Melanie Losacco, SEP

Wednesday, June 21st | 12-3pm EST | Webinar over ZOOM | $149

We assume that, like us, you became a wellness practitioner to help people. Part of our work in this field is to continue to challenge ourselves and our learning so that we can provide ethical, compassionate care with the least amount of harm possible. 

Anti-fat bias is insidious and it is built into many of the systems that go unquestioned. Fat folx are often excluded, pathologized and harmed in spaces that are supposed to be for their healing. We are asking you to join us in unlearning anti fat bias and learn how to begin to divest from the harmful systems around this that affect us and those we are working with.


  • What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Fat’? Do certain images/emotions/sensations come up?

  • If someone called your business and asked about your weight inclusive practices and philosophy- what would you say? 

  • How often have you thought about your relationship to weight?  What you were taught- directly and indirectly- about weight?

  • How much work are you currently putting into divesting from anti-fat bias? To the questioning of the systemic structure around diets, BMI, and health in general? Thinking about the way it all influences the way you work? 

  • How often do you talk with your clients about systems and privilege in this area? In general?

We want to offer a space to sift through the above questions. This call-in is a way to further your understanding of ways to question/challenge these beliefs in yourself and in your work. You will leave with skills to integrate into your life and business.

We know this is a big topic. This is uncomfortable work. We join with you in the vulnerability of unlearning. 
To support titration and regulation, we offer pauses and somatic exercises throughout our training.

We are both wellness practitioners. However, we think the most important skill we bring to this training is our lived experience as fat folx and as fat professionals in this field. We have also had the privilege to work with countless individuals who have shared their stories and lived experience with us.

We have created this training to start these conversations. We hope you will join us.


  • Anti-fat bias hurts ALL bodies. But especially fat bodies. It’s everywhere. And it has its roots and connections to other oppressive systems that have pathologized bodies.

  • If we are not actively questioning and dismantling oppression, we are most likely colluding with it. 

  • This goes far beyond body positivity and “personal responsibility.” We’re talking systems and basic rights.

  • Every body- including fat bodies- are deserving of respect, dignity, qualified care and the right of existence.

  • Good intentions assumed. None of us got into this work to separate people from their bodies.

  • We have to allow ourselves to get uncomfortable for this to change.

  • When we know better, we do better. (Thank you, Maya Angelou).


  • Here’s how we’re putting it: If you are a person who works with bodies, this training is for you! Any kind of wellness provider or individual that works within the healing/wellness realm will be able to get something from this training.

    A non-exhaustive list of examples of wellness professionals: Therapists, Coaches, Nutritionists, Massage Therapists, Personal Trainers, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Doctors, Naturopaths, Nurses, Midwives, Body Workers, etc

  • The format will be a mixture of education, somatic exercises and group discussion as we:

    -Offer a brief history of anti-fat bias

    -Define and expand terminology used within body liberation communities

    -Offer a space to start unpacking and understanding your own anti-fat bias and how it may be showing up in your work

    -Give Best Practices and skills for working with fat folx and creating wellness spaces for all bodies

    -Challenge the dominant narrative of the “obesity epidemic” and health concerns

  • There are no CEs offered. We hope that you see this training as a valuable investment in continuing to explore harm reduction as humans and professionals.

  • Jamie Earnhardt, LCMHC offers therapy that is intersectional and collaborative, and grounded in body justice. You can find out more info on Jamie here.

    Melanie Losacco, SEP offers embodiment coaching for fat folx wanting to build relationships with their bodies as they are right now. You can find out more info on Melanie here.

    We are both wellness professionals working with fat folx and fat folx who have worked with wellness professionals. We name our fatness as well as other intersecting identities that hold more privilege - we are both white and cis with access to resources many others don’t have. We bring this combination of experiences and understanding to our training.

If you can’t attend at this time but are interested in future dates and offerings, please join our mailing list

Group rate - We value learning in community and encourage friends/colleagues to sign up together to commit to this important work. Groups of 4 pay $136.50 per person. Upon registering for this community rate, please include each registrants name and email in “Note to Business” section.
