“You Gotta Show Up if You Wanna Be Seen. If it Matters to You, Ma, it Matters to Me.”
who I work with
I work with folx who are ready to stop declaring war on themselves and want to move in a direction of a life that lights them up. Some common reasons individuals come to work with me are to explore issues with body distress, chronic/yo-yo dieting, emotional eating, binge eating, shame and perfectionism. I also love working with those who already have a strong self of sense and body but want support navigating a culture that doesn’t celebrate body diversity.
When is this going to get easier already?!
You've tried every diet out there and nothing works long term
You're constantly comparing yourself to others
You often hide or put your life on hold because you don't feel good in your body
You are not alone. Maybe it's time to try something different
Diets set you up to fail. It has nothing to do with willpower
This can be easier
We are all supposed to be different shapes/sizes. And we are all meant to take up space
The world needs you. You are meant for WAY more than fighting your body
I know. This food and body stuff is complicated. And I don’t just hear you- I’ve been there. Growing up, my body never seemed to fit in. I started dieting and binge eating in my single digit years, followed by almost 2 decades on the rollercoaster shame spiral. Finally, I reached a point where I was sick of it. I knew I wanted more. I had important stuff I was meant to do and couldn’t believe that my life boiled down to dieting and dodging pictures. So I went to work. I read everything I could find, worked with my therapist, discovered Health at Every Size®, found communities and sought out mentors.
I experienced major shifts when I realized I wasn't a problem to be fixed. My mind and body started working together. I moved for pleasure, I ate without shame, I saw my worth as a non-negotiable and finally gave myself permission to BE. And now I help folx find the same freedom.
I'm passionate about community AND alone time, dance parties, good milkshakes and people who are interested in exploring coming home to themselves.
MY beliefs and APPROACH
I believe our bodies are infinitely wise. They can tell you, far better than anyone else, what you need. I also believe what we live in a society that is constantly trying to separate you from yourself. My role is to help you learn to reconnect so you access this wisdom.
My approach is holistic, feminist, values and acceptance based. I have been described as warm, direct and authentic. Mindfulness is central to my work because I find it's hard to honor what your body needs if you aren't listening! I fully believe that we can be successful individuals AND hot messes at the same time. It's not "either-or" and I can make room for it all. Shame can't survive in the light of day so bring your whole self in. They are welcome.
I am an expert at recognizing and untangling years (decades?) of self-sabotage and have a knack for cutting through the cultural BS (and believe me- there is plenty). My work is body/fat positive and grounded in Health at Every Size®, weight neutral care, and body liberation.
Education and affiliations
Masters Degree- Clinical Counseling- Lesley University
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)- North Carolina #12827
Embodied Recovery, Level I
Member- Binge Eating Disorder Association
Member- The Association for Size Diversity and Health